Prior to the Labor Day break, students in a horticulture class went on a campus field trip to learn about soil composition. The class' instructor dug up a section of earth beside the greenhouse. The dig measured about 2 feet square and was no more than 6 inches deep. The next day, a Horticulture staff member came across the disturbed earth, which had a root protruding from the center, and thought the former hole was a grave possibly harboring the remains of god-knows-who. This misconception was bolstered by the fact that the protruding root was mistaken for a cross.

As pictured here, it is easy to see the similarity. Based on this information, the discovering staff member called the police who conducted an extensive criminal investigation and, of course, found no decaying corpse.
There are those who wonder how someone could panic and call the police over some possible foul-play. Those people obviously never ate in the South Campus cafeteria.